Saturday, August 31, 2019

Maary Barnett

Mary Barnett, the defendant, should not be held responsible for the actions taken and she should clearly be put under the care of the doctors in a health facility. Taking under consideration that Mary is mentally ill and has postpartum depression, she should not be put in jail for it. Alice Jones has known the defendant for more than eight years, and she thinks Mary has a very good attributes both as a social person, and a mother. Ms.Jones believes Mary started to get depressed after Allison was born, and especially when her ex fiance Tim Stewart moved to California and called off the wedding and she started drinking. For all these reasons Alice believes Mary left little Allison without consciously being alert that she had left her unattended. Dr. Bloom says Mary has postpartum depression, which offended her after the birth of her child. Like Ms. Jones, Dr. Bloom thinks she is depressed, despite, and alcoholic. She was obsessed with her fiance, which drove him away and just made thin gs worse.Since the trial Mary has suffered 2 anxiety attacks and had been in the hospital for several days. Mary Barnett herself knows that she did wrong leaving the child alone, but says that she did not know what was going on, and that she would have stopped it if she had realized what she was doing. All she had wanted was to get to her ex fiance with the hope of him fixing things, yet this didn’t happen. Caroline Hospers thought that Mary was a disgrace and that she couldn’t even keep a husband, but what she didn’t know was that Mary was depressed and in desperate need for help.She thought Mary was just another drunk that was irresponsible and not fit to bad mother. Hospers is wrong because Mary lobed her child and because of the depression and the drinking she didn’t know what she was doing. Officer Mitchell was there when they found the child dead and interrogated Mary. Mary explained what had happened, yet the officer found out this wasn’t tr ue and that there was no babysitter involved, but what the officer doesn’t know is that she was so upset and verwhelmed that Mary just must have said whatever came to her mind. Dr. Parker believes Mary was mentally competent when she left her baby alone to die, yet she knows when she left the baby alone to die, yet she knows she suffers from depression and anxiety. She thinks she is able to stand in trial, but Ms. Barnett will probably fall into another anxiety attack. For this reason being that Mary’s truly not capable of standing in trial to defend her.Mary Barnett is truly incapable of maintaining herself in a stable position where she can stand in a trial and defend herself. She is not responsible for not knowing her actions would cause damage to her baby, because she wasn’t herself on that day. Mary Barnett had only one hope of light, her ex fiance, and with him not being there to keep her daughter, she acted without knowing or even thinking anything would happened, she went off to find help and instead found her baby dead without a reason in her head or what had just happened.

Friday, August 30, 2019

External Reserach – Childcare Level 3

‘’It is important to plan to meet the care and learning needs of all children. ’’ External research CACHE LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN CHILDCARE AND EDUCATION Introduction Criteria 1 – Criteria 2 – The first stage of the learning cycle is planning and this is where you plan for the children activities that will be carried out throughout the time at placement and these activities need to be planned for the needs of all children.When practitioners are planning the activity they need to consider the resources, if the activity is age stage appropriate, any protective clothing that may be need during the activity, health and safety and how all the children will be included together, not discriminating any child because of their age, gender, abilities or disability. The second stage is where the planned activity takes places and during this the children will carry out the activity to help them, learn and develop in all aspects of development; social, emotiona l, physical, and intellectual and language development.It also allows practitioners to observe the children during play activities. When practitioners observe, they look for the child’s development and abilities. The third and last stage of the cycle is to review and this is when the practitioner looks back and reflects on the activity (reflect on it) to see where they can improve. The planning cycle is used to meets care needs of children, learning needs of children, help them develop and help them to develop and learn different stages of development.I have seen this happen at placement where the practitioners were planning an activity along the lines of previously noticing a group of boys enjoy playing with the cars and after noticing this, they decided to carry out a work sheet using cars to teach them how to count. When planning this activity, they considered the abilities of the children, the health and safety as well as resources needed.During this activity the practiti oners were observing to see how the children were coping, child’s development stages and what the children were learning during the activity. Once the activity has taken place the practitioners reviewed it by using a reflective cycle. A long term goal is something you want to achieve over a long period of time normal one year or five years. In a school a long term plan is used to cover all aspects of the National Curriculum whereas in a Nursery a long term plan would cover all aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, 2012).The practitioners would plan for whole year of children’s time at the setting and it meets the care needs of children by planning for their holidays. It cares for the learning needs of children because it plans to provide the best use of resources and equipment available and the environment in which the children will learn in. This can be a disadvantage because the planning doesn’t allow for immediate changes on a day to day or terml y basis.A long term plan would be covering a curriculum plan because it sets goals, develops strategies and outlines tasks and schedules within the setting. It meets the care needs of children by allowing the practitioners to provide supporting activities for the individual needs of the children and meets the hearing needs by having opportunities that challenge the children, varied types of activities such as adult- led, child-led and free play by learning indoors and outdoors.Practitioners have a meeting ever term and plan for activities and task for the whole school term of the child to help support and develop their care and learning needs in the best possible way to allow each individual child to achieve the next stage. A medium term goal is something that you build upon from a short team goal. Practitioners would plan termly/monthly by building upon the short term plans. It meets the learning needs of children by looking at the themes. Medium term planning in my placement consi ders a central theme spread across a number of weeks:A short term goal is achieving something in the near future for example: within a week. Practitioners would do daily plans and observe the children in order to be able to make changes in the plan to meet individual unique child’s needs. It meets the learning needs of children because it can be immediately changed on a daily basis or weekly basis according to the child’s individual learning needs, abilities and disabilities as well as their likes and dislike to help them move forward in their development and develop their skills.In my current placement practitioners saw a group of boys enjoying playing with the cars. Later on that same day the practitioners got an idea to plan activities around that theme for the following week to help the 2 to 5 years olds learn to count up to 20 which helps the practitioners to encourage and interest the children’s learning by using things that they like to help meet their ne eds in order for them to develop. Routines are tasks, chores, or duties done as regularly as possible or at specified time of the day e. g. typical or every day. It can also be activities happing during the same time period in the day, such as lunch, reading, or playground time. In a childcare setting, a routine maybe having meal times three times a day or having rest time after lunch. They are used for teaching them to be prepared for adult life and helping them to understand their duties. It is important that adults stimulate children’s minds, social skills, emotional and bodies with routines for them to be able to learn and remember these different routines for the future.Routines meet care needs of children because they make children feel safe and build’s the child’s confidence. Routines meet children’s learning needs because the children will learn everyday skill and also allow children to know what is expected of them. I have experienced many differ ent routines throughout my work placements; I have recently seen a routine for the whole day which is in my appendix 2. Criteria 3 – Criteria 4 – Effective planning is something that works well. It also meets the children’s individual needs and helps identify a path of achievement.There are eight feature to effective planning; support for practitioners, effective planning, sharing best practice, knowing the child, encourage reflection, helps with translation and makes it requirement and enjoyable. Effective planning involves around the child. Curriculum plans can be done and allows for practitioners to meet the children’s learning and care needs over a long period of time. This does not always work because each child is individual and they develop skills and abilities at their own time.To make this work effectively practitioners could use a SMART target to plan over the week for each individual child according to their likes, dislikes and what they can an d can’t do. Practitioners could combine both the curriculum plan and Smart target by using the planning cycle, long term and short term plans to make it effective because this allows for all children to learn and develop at their own time and achieve their next stage up. Within my setting practitioners plan effectively by using the SMART target to plan for the week ahead and combine this with using the curriculum plan to do and review over the next month for every child.Once they have observed the activity and child, they then plan activity according to their observation. A combination of planning tools are used in settings to give practitioners good outcomes, meet children’s needs and learning needs and don’t allow practitioners to plan, do and review. I have noticed in my previous setting that practitioners use one type of plan which is the short term plan because they plan weekly for their activities whereas in my current placement practitioners use a range o f plans such as a weekly plan along side an activity plan and a medium plan.If effective planning wasn’t used practitioners would be having bad management in organising activities, practitioners will not get the outcome they are looking for easily, children needs will not be meet to the best interest and they may not be able develop their skills and development well enough because they don’t have the assess to the appropriate activities and resources (age stage). Criteria 5 – Having an appropriate environment in place to support care and learning needs is important because practitioners should make sure that the environment is safe and secure for the children as well as welcoming and warm.It also needs to be stimulating for the children to be able to explore and investigate in. This is stated by Early Years foundation stage (EYFS, 2012) who states that it is important to plan and provide an appropriate environment both indoors and outdoors throughout the day. Th e Reggio Emilio approach focuses on both the outdoor and indoor environment as equally important because they both allow children to explore and discover, free play and creative thinking. Reggio believed that the indoor and outdoor nvironment stimulates children’s learning, children develop socially and they can express themselves in any way they want. Reggio pre-schools believes in having discovery, stimulating learning environments (both indoor and outdoor) for children to be able to reflect on their own learning and record the children’s learning progress (Tassoni, 2007) This approach can benefit children as it allows them to work more closely with the adult to help stimulate their skills, abilities and development within their environment.Children’s play is carried out in a learning environment which is characterised by both indoor and outdoor learning to help children move on in their development stage and it needs to be safe for children to play and learn in where they are protected and supervised at all times by an adult. It is vital to have the appropriate equipment at the child’s level in both the outdoor and indoor environment to help support the learning they need as well as meet each child’s individual needs.Both theorists also support the learning needs of children by allowing them to physical, socially, emotionally, intellectually, cognitive and language develop. ‘’ A good early childhood environment meets the child's basic needs and supports and encourages children to engage in activities that implement the programme's curriculum. ’’ (Exteral research/creating-indoor-environments-for-young-children. htm 1997-2012) Criteria 6 –Care needs are supporting the children’s personal care needs such as feeding, sleeping and hygiene. It helps children to become independent and teaches them life skills. The theorist which supports this is Maslow (1943) and his hierarchy of need. It concerns the responsibility of adults to care and provide a safe environment that encourages and enables the adults to support and meet all the needs of an individual child.These needs include; physical, emotional, social, and intellectual and are shown in the model and diagram of the pyramid five stages. The framework that supports care needs is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (2012) and they influences day to day practice by making sure each practitioner follows the correct curriculum framework within their practice and care for the children. ‘’There is also a range of supporting guidance on implementing the EYFS requirements which should be used alongside the Statutory Framework.In particular: Development Matters – which provides guidance on observing, assessing and planning for each child's individual learning and development, a know how guide for progress check at age two – which gives case studies and templates to support you with the requir ement to provide parents with a written summary of their child's learning and development between their second and third birthday, EYFS for parents – which you should personalise to your setting to help you meet the requirement of informing parents how the EYFS is delivered. ’’ (czone. eastsussex. gov. uk 2012) Criteria 7 –Jean Piaget’s (1948) theory of play is play-based curriculums were all children are actively involved in their learning. He said that children go through four stages of development; Piaget (1948) theory of play is thought that ‘’learning is an active process in which children draw conclusions though exploration. He called these conclusions schemas. ’’ (Tassoni. P et al 2007 Pg 284). Piaget (1948) is a key influence on children learning (Tassoni, 2007). His theory supports and extends children’s learning needs because he believed that children will learn when they are ready to learn.Vygotskyâ€⠄¢s (1978) theory is based on zone of proximal learning. His theory supports children’s learning needs because he believed that children will learn cooperative activities set up for them where the less able children can learn and get help from the more advanced children. Vygotsky (1978) believed that if a child is at the zone of proximal for an activity and getting help from the adult, will allow the child to boost their achievement of the activity (simplypsychology. org 2010-2012). Criteria 8– Piaget (1984) theory of play has 4 types of play; physical play mastery play, symbolic play and constructive play.He thinks that play is assimilating and children make their own environment through the four different type of play. Piaget (1948) believed that children adapt and develop on their own experience. It is recognised in placement by practitioners because it gives them a guideline on the teaching they should be providing children with and enhance the children to develop their learning and skills. Practitioners could do this by respecting the children’s ideas, suggestions and opinions when they carry out an activity or task.Planning is early years settings should be used because it helps practitioners to get to know the child better by observing them in order to meet each individual child’s needs and plan accordingly to their stage of development and abilities to future help them develop their skills, abilities and development. They should plan for this by using weekly plans because each child is unique and they develop at their own rate which will allow them to make daily/weekly changes according to what they observe and see the children do and learn.Bibliography: Books: Tassoni. Penny, Kate. Beith, Kath. Bulum and Harriet. Eldridge (2007) CACHE level 3 Child Care and Education 4th edition, London: Heinemann Websites: East Sussex County Council (2012) – Early Years Foundation Stage [online] available at: https://czone. eastsuss ex. gov. uk/supportingchildren/childcare/support/eyfs/Pages/main. aspx Assessed on: 6th November 2012

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Introduction of 4ps Essay

Marketing The 4 Ps of marketing are Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Think of each of these as a variable which you control. The idea is to set these variables in such a way so that sales will take place. You cannot â€Å"make† a customer pull out her credit card, but you can certainly help her in coming to a decision by setting the â€Å"right† price, the retail location, the level of advertising and even product attributes such as colour or perceived quality. You control everything but the customer herself. These variables are all interdependent. Taken together, they constitute a certain mix. This is often referred to as the marketing mix. In defining this mix it is also necessary to take into account your competitor’s mix as well as your overall corporate goals and objectives. The idea is to come up with a mix that will clearly differentiate your products from those of your competitors while considering your corporate goals. For example, your company may wish to offer a high-end luxury type of product since your competitors are addressing the mass market and this is consistent with your company’s goal of owning  the market for top-of-the-line products of this category. Definition of 4P’s Product: The marketing mix concept has its roots in the 1950s U. S. corporate marketing world, and the practice of marketing has obviously evolved tremendously since this term was invented. One of the changes is that there are a lot more services available nowadays, such as those available online. Also, the distinction between product and service has become more blurry. Either way, product here refers to products or services. The product or service you offer needs to be able to meet a specific, existing market demand. Or, you need to be able to create a market niche through building a strong brand. Price: The price you set for your product or service plays a large role in its marketability. Pricing for products or services that are more commonly available in the market is more elastic, meaning that unit sales will go up or down more responsively in response to price changes. By contrast, those products that have a generally more limited availability in the market are more inelastic, meaning that price changes will not affect unit sales very much. The price elasticity of your product or service can be determined through various market testing techniques. Place: This term really refers to any way that the customer can obtain a product or receive a service. Provision of a product or service can occur via any number of distribution channels, such as in a retail store, through the mail, via downloadable files, on a cruise ship, in a hair salon, and so on The ease and options through which you can make your product or service available to your customers will have an effect on your sales volume. Promotion: Promotion is concerned with any vehicle you employ for getting people to know more about your product or service. Advertising, public relations, point-of-sale displays, and word-of-mouth promotion are all traditional ways for promoting a product. Promotion can be seen as a way of closing the information gap between would-be sellers and would-be buyers. Your choice of a promotional strategy will be dependent upon your budget, the type of product or service you are selling, and availability of said promotional vehicle.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Business and Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business and Sustainability - Essay Example Also, Wal-Mart's presence in 13 international markets including the UK, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Brazil and China, it also allows Asda to foray easily into new markets. (Barnes 2004) The Wal-Mart umbrella not only provides Asda with a strong brand image but also fuels the company's top line growth. Asda's George apparel line started as a small unknown brand in 100 ASDA stores. It is now the second largest clothing retailer in the UK by volume selling in more than 250 stores in the UK. Furthermore, George now has a presence in five other countries including Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Japan and the US. George products are available for men, women, and children and include apparel, shoes, handbags and even eyeglass frames in select stores. (DesJardins 2006) The George brand, known for style and quality, continues to grow in popularity as a favorite fashion choice across the globe. Strong brand image f George allows the group to extend the brand into other product lines. Asda is the second largest chain f supermarkets in UK with a market share f 16.8% as f February 2007. Furthermore, the company outperformed the rest f the retail sector for the first time in three years in terms f growth rate. The overall growth rate f the company was recorded at 9% for the fiscal 2007. Asda's competitors on other hand recorded a low growth rate during the same period. (Thomas 2003) For instance, Sainsbury recorded a growth rate f 7.8%, Tesco (7.2%), Morrisons (3.9%) and Somerfield (-3.8%). This was primarily due to attracting one million new customers through its checkouts and re-evaluation f its customer offer and pricing strategy. Asda can leverage this growth to further enhance its revenues and profitability. (DesJardins 2006) Evaluation f ASDA's non-financial reporting practices Asda has recalled many products in the last year. In August 2007, Asda recalled 115,000 Chinese-made children's bottles in response to a customer complaint regarding the breaking f caps f the bottle. The yellow, pink and orange colored reusable bottles are aimed at children aged three upwards. The recalled bottles were initially priced at 1.25 each then reduced to 63p. Earlier in February 2007, Asda recalled its George kid's snow boot as due to a problem with the toggle that tightened it. Additionally, Asda recalled all batches f its own-brand 500g packs f Simply Porridge due to possible cross contamination with nuts in November 2006. The affected packs contained nuts, which makes this product unsafe for individuals who are allergic to nuts. Product recalls such as these would adversely affect the corporate image and investor confidence. Online shopping has steadily grown in popularity in the UK. It has been estimated that by 2012 online sales will increase by 320%, to 60 billion per annum and would account approximately 20% f all retail sales in the UK. Although the company provides online services, it has a significantly lesser market share than its peers. For instance, the company's biggest competitor, Tesco has 66% f the K's online shopping market. The company's weak presence in this stream f business denies it he opportunity to gain market share in this rapidly growing sector. (Fisher

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Financial Resources Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Financial Resources - Research Proposal Example Every company as a mandatory requirement by government prepares the auditor's report. This report satisfies the company's various stakeholders i.e., government, investors, lenders, suppliers and a general reader of financial statements that the company's annual report has been prepared fairly. Both the companies' auditor report gives a true and fair view of the company's performance. The profit and loss statement is important for the stakeholders interested in reviewing the financial performance of the company over the year. Caf Nero Plc's profit and loss statement is much well defined showing profit than that of Coffee Republic Plc showing loss for the period. It is of importance to the stakeholders who are interested in the financial position of the company for a particular point in time. Caf Nero Plc's balance sheet show an increasing net worth of the company, while the balance sheet of Coffee Republic Plc shows a declining net worth of the company. This statement shows the company's position in terms of cash availability. Cafe Nero Plc's cash flow statement shows an increase in total cash available in the company, whereas the Coffee Republic Plc's cash flow statement shows a severe decrease in cash for the year 2005. The notes provide an insight into the company's financial position and performance by showing breakdowns of facts and figures stated in its financial statements. ... Although, there has been a practice for the companies listed in the London Stock Market, but the companies under consideration has no such trend. None of the company has included an operating and financial review statement in its annual report. Hence, their relevance cannot be figured out in terms of providing information to the companies' stakeholders. 3- CAF NERO PLC - FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION The financial performance of Caf Nero Plc has been analysed with the help of financial ratios on the basis of data obtained from the company's annual report for the year 2005, 2004 and 2003. PERFORMANCE 2005 2004 2003 Return on Capital Employed 13.31% 7.16% 4.14% According to this ratio, the return generated by the company on the capital employed by the company has been increasing for the three years. It was 4.14% in 2003 and increased to 13.31% in the year 2005. This shows that the company has been performing well over the years to generate return on the capital it has employed by the company. 2005 2004 2003 Return on Equity 31.37% 23.93% 6.29% The return generated by the company on the funds invested by shareholders has also been increasing over the years. The company generated 6.29% return on its equity in the year 2003, which increased to 31.37% in 2005. This exhibits brilliant performance on the part of the company's management. PROFITABILITY 2005 2004 2003 Net Profit Margin 8.57% 4.66% 2.90% This ratio shows that the company has been getting more and more profit for the last three years on its sales after accounting for various costs such as cost of sales, operating costs etc. This ratio has almost quadrupled over just three years, showing a remarkable

Mixed methods research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mixed methods research - Assignment Example The mixed methods of research has numerous advantages. According to Collins, Onwuegbuzie & Jiao (2007), the mixed methods research provided a deeper understanding of the research problem; thus, allows for development of a better instruments of research that gather correct information on the topic in question. In addition, the mixed methods research helps outdo all the weaknesses that the quantitative and qualitative research may have in a study. Lastly, the mixed methods research helps explain the findings in a better way and even explain the causal relationships between variables (Creswell, 2013). The use of mixed methods research design may be disadvantageous to the field of Business Studies especially in the study of the implications of amalgamations and acquisitions on small and middle-sized business lending since the mixed methods research may not effectively apply the mixed methods; thus, not fully capitalize on the degree to which they apply the approach (Hurmerinta-Peltomki & Nummela, 2006). Collins, K. M., Onwuegbuzie, A. J. & Jiao, Q. G. (2007). A mixed methods investigation of mixed methods sampling designs in social and health science research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(3),

Monday, August 26, 2019

Using Newton Method of Optimization Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Using Newton Method of Optimization - Coursework Example On the other hand, if a constrained optimization is done (for example, with Lagrange multipliers), the problem may become one of saddle point finding, in which case the Hessian will be symmetric indefinite and the solution of xn+1 will need to be done with a method that will work for such, such as the LDLT variant of Cholesky factorization or the conjugate residual method. There also exist various quasi-Newton methods, where an approximation for the Hessian (or its inverse directly) is built up from changes in the gradient. If the Hessian is close to a non-invertible matrix, the inverted Hessian can be numerically unstable and the solution may diverge. In this case, certain workarounds have been tried in the past, which have varied success with certain problems. One can, for example, modify the Hessian by adding a correction matrix Bn so as to make Hf(in) + Bn positive definite. One approach is to diagonalize H f(xn) and choose Bn so that H f(xn) + Bn has the same eigenvectors as H f(xn), but with each negative eigenvalue replaced by Ï µ > 0.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategic Marketing for The UK confectionery market Term Paper

Strategic Marketing for The UK confectionery market - Term Paper Example SWOT Strengths ïÆ'Ëœ Confectionery sector is recession-proof ïÆ'Ëœ Consumers engage in impulse buying because of targeted advertisements ïÆ'Ëœ Chocolates considered an affordable, harmless indulgence (Adwan, 2003). Weakness ïÆ'Ëœ Rising obesity ïÆ'Ëœ Rising prices ïÆ'Ëœ Consolidation in the market Opportunity ïÆ'Ëœ Sugar-free confectionery fetches better margin for retailers ïÆ'Ëœ This can be introduced for mainstream buyers and not just for the diabetics or the obese population. ïÆ'Ëœ Preference for fair-trade products is high as main competitors switching to fair-trade confectionery (The Fairtrade Foundation 2010). Fair-trade public procurement has strong public support in UK. Threats ïÆ'Ëœ High cocoa price exerts pressure on profit margins ïÆ'Ëœ Sugar-free products more expensive than standard products but gaining popularity ïÆ'Ëœ Three main competitors with rising market share Analysis The opportunities and threats suggest that market for sugar-free confectionery is growing because of rising obesity. The company should focus on fair-trade and people would be willing to pay a premium price for it. Accordingly the marketing strategy should be as follows. ... In the first year of operation it may not be possible to achieve any profits but efforts would be made to ensure no loss too is incurred. Marketing Mix Product – Premium quality sugar-free chocolates catering to a discerning client base as this is the market-demand. Fair trade would be used for production. Price – The price would not be kept too low because low pricing creates an adverse image of the product. To enter the market the right perception is important. Premium pricing attract the target segment but pricing would be formulate taking into account prices of competitors. Promotion – consumers have become conscious of ethical and fair-trade and hence all promotions would carry messages of fair-trade. Introductory slabs can be clubbed with other products such as energy drinks. Advertisements should be made through television, popular dailies, and through magazines. Advertisements should highlight sugar-free element to attract the conscious consumers. Consume r interest should be sustained by changing the advertisements often. Advertisements should be appealing as consumers engage in impulse buying. Place - Distribution should be through all retail outlets, social clubs. It could be sold through kiosks at supermarkets. Online distribution strategy is also picking up and gift packs should be made available through online orders. Energy Drink Background Obesity is on the rise in UK with. Obesity has been linked to the quality of food and drinks consumed, in addition to the sedentary lifestyle which prevents people from visiting the gym or engaging in any sort of physical activity. Due to the quality of food consumed people lack the energy to exercise. People

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Toledo War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Toledo War - Research Paper Example In fact in the map, it was to be shown in its actual place that belonged to Michigan (Jones). The tug of war between the Michigan and Ohio was because Toledo was at the planned end point of Miami and Erie canals. Until the year 1830, the crises touched upon its height during the course of canal construction. The factor of the tussle was because of the awareness that the region was agriculturally fertile. To optimum use of agriculturally rich land, the availability of transportation was inevitable. Unfortunately because of transport, the agriculture produce was not available in the area. In the light of 1825 legislation, two navigational canals were built. This has further narrowed the strip of land. Despite the mentioned development, Toledo was conveniently located on the mouth of Lake Erie (Jones). We may call Toledo War of 1835, as the Battle of Phillips Crossing or the Ohio-Michigan Boundary War. The said war comes on the limelight due to historical dispute with regard to the boundary line between Michigan and Ohio. The disputed boundaries are familiarized as the Toledo Strip. The major part of Ohio falls within the ambit of cited strip (Mitchell).   The dispute was not because of only one factor. It has caused number of factors, which included poorly created maps. The example of which is placement of southern tip of Lake Michigan wrongly, the ambiguous language of  Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and the diversified interpretations by Michigan and Ohio coupled with unhealthy political activities, and egos (Mitchell). On February 6th 1835, Governor Lucas informed the lawmakers of Mason’s proposal. He had no desire to appoint any commissioner and impressed upon the lawmakers to declare Ohio’s jurisdiction up to the Harris line so as to direct the concerned officials to exercise their authority over the Toledo Strip (Rollins). In order to ensure legal authority of relevant officials and to shun the foreign interference, the Michigan State in the month of

Friday, August 23, 2019

The hidden meaning of the movie Avatar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The hidden meaning of the movie Avatar - Essay Example The film gives an insight to cultural and religious trends that give rise to the film and the reasons those trends are feared, criticized and resisted enabling them to fight with their own views about the controversy. Like the film itself, Avatar and Nature Spirituality gives a prospect for considering the ongoing struggle to decide how we should live on the home planet and sort sorts of spiritual values and practices in terms of politics and economics would best guide us. The cultural ethnocentrism inherent in the movie is Hinduism. Hinduism believes that Avatar is sent to us for very specific jobs and he is the God Vishnu; the following quote from Gita tells us more about Vishnu; â€Å"Whenever righteousness wanes and unrighteousness increase I send myself forth, for the protection of good and for the destruction of evil †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Gita: 4.7–8) Apart from sharing the same instincts of Vishnu in the movie, it also considers Shiva and Ganesha because according to the Hindu mythology they are also described as the descending in the form of avatars. Bron Taylor, a professor of ecology founded the journal for the study of Religion, Nature and Culture published in 2007, which illuminated the questions like; what are the relationships among human beings and what does the terms religion, nature and culture signify and what is the relationship between species and places which we inhabit etc. This journal illuminated James Cameron, director of Avatar with various facts and elements associated with nature and its meaning.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Immanuel Kant - Ethics Essay Example for Free

Immanuel Kant Ethics Essay Immanuel Kant was born in Konigsberg, East Prussia in 1724. He attended the Collegium Fridiricianum at eight years old where he was taught classicism. Then he went to the University of Konigsberg where he spent his career focusing on philosophy, mathematics, and physics. When his is father past away, Kant left the university and earned his living as a private tutor. In 1755 he returned to the University to receive his doctorate in 1756. Immanuel Kant remained at the University teaching for 15 years. He received his tenure at the University in 1770, where he stayed for the next 27 years. In 1792 he was barred from teaching or writing on religious subjects do to his unorthodox approach in his teaching by King Fredrick William II. He returned to teaching after the king had passed away five years later. In his retirement he published a summary of his views on religion. Immanuel Kant passed away in 1804. Immanuel Kant was widely known for his categorical imperative theory. Categorical imperative is how one determines one’s duty, what principles are proper, and which are not. Doing one’s duty for the sake of duty itself is better than simply acting in agreement with one’s duty. Telling the truth in order to benefit yourself is acting in accordance with duty and not acting for the sake of duty. The categorical imperative states, â€Å"Act only on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will it should become universal law(Keele, 2008). † Maxim in this sentence is the moral part of your action. Categorical imperative tells us it is immoral to make an exception of our self. Just like my mother would say treat and act as you would want others to treat and act towards you. In the news I view an article about â€Å"School knife attack poses ethical dilemma for daily. † In this article they talk about the Worcester New identifying a schoolboy as a suspect. The news published the boy’s name and picture on Facebook putting the boy’s life at risk. After the boy was found the news took down the boy’s picture at once. Everyone was perplexed by this situation asking why they put picture up and then took it down. According to the Worcester News, the situation change, where they were trying to find the boy to stop him from hurting himself or others and then to protecting the child. Would the newspapers actions have been ethical according to Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative? First let’s take a look at the reasons why they did it. The newspaper stated they put his picture up to protect him and other, then took down to protect him. I believe they were acting in the best of society myself by putting the information up. According to Immanuel Kant’s theory they were acting in accordance with their duty. They had a duty to let the public know what was going on to protect other students and teachers If they didn’t act with such speed would the boy have been found so soon? I think not! This boy could have went on a killing spree and if the Worcester News didn’t report it they would not have been acting in the best of society and would not have been doing their duty. But then to take down the information I feel is unethical. They don’t take down any information when it comes to any other person involved in a crime. Immanuel Kant stated that it is immoral to make an exception of yourself. The Worcester News should hold to the same standards as any other crime they report. I understand that they are trying to protect the boy, but if you are going to report any other crime and not take it down this should happen in the same way. In conclusion, based on my research I feel that Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative theory is important to our society today. It holds everyone to the same standards! He has help to maintain a set of standards for our society that requires everyone to be treated the same. The study of ethics is important in today’s business and government world because it sets standard for all to abide. From John Locke’s right theory to Kohlberg’s moral development stages. They all 1 / 2 set standards in which business need to stay within. If there were no standards there would be more scandals in the news than there is. References Britannica. (2014). Immanuel Kant. Retrieved from http://www. philosophypages. com/ph/kant. htm. Keele, Lisa. (2008, The Categorical Imperative of Immanuel Kant. Retrieved from https://www. suite. io/lisa-keele/ypd2fk. Linfold, Paul. (2014, September 28). School Knife Attack Poses Ethical Dilemma For Daily. Retrieved from http://www. holdthefrontpage. co. uk/2014/news/school-knife-attack-poses-ethical- dilemma-for-daily/ POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Homelessness Is More Than Missing a House Essay Example for Free

Homelessness Is More Than Missing a House Essay We always encounter these types of people: A man who is shaking a cup and trying to present a smiling face to you on the side of the street, his coins are striking against each other, and his clothes were tatty and his shoes unmatched. Or at night, a crew of people who sit or sleep in front of a store with some filthy blankets on. We don’t know what kind of causes affect their homelessness, but we could easily recognize them, probably take pity on them and maybe give them change or food. Homeless people might not expect financial assist but they need mental support because they are not just physically missing a house and they have nothing to lose after the spiritual collapse by missing heart protections. We need to emotionally help them by more psychological fixing. Barbara Lazear Ascher states that we were able to help homeless people by more attentions in her article, â€Å"On Compassion†. Ascher argues that we should pay more attention to the homeless by helping them. She says, â€Å"We cannot deny the existence of the helpless as their presence grows. It is impossible to insulate ourselves against what is at our very door step† (213). We can help them by possibly give a used blanket or some warm soup. However, economical contribution might not able to fix the issue, according to Anna Quindlen’s in her â€Å"Homeless†, â€Å"Home is where the heart is. There’s no place like it†(217). Once those homeless people lose their homes, they lose everything physically, and emotionally miss their hearts and believe, faith of lives, that’s what money or food couldn’t build. Ascher believes that the general public should treat homeless people better. She begins with stating that people shouldn’t judge the homeless by their appearances. She tells a story of a homeless man, â€Å"His buttonless shirt, with one sleeve missing, hangs outside the waist of his baggy trousers. Carefully plaited dreadlocks bespeak a better time, long ago. As he crosses Manhattan’s Seventy-ninth Street, his gait is the shuffle of the forgotten ones held in place by gravity rather than plans† (211). What a pitiful man! What a tragic abjection came down onto his life! He maybe was a successful businessman in his earlier life? By giving details of a homeless person, she sets up the fundamentals of her paper and that straightforwardly grabs attention and sympathy from the audience right into the story. Ascher also observes how did aloof neighbors ignore the homeless person away, â€Å"A man with a briefcase lifts and lowers the shinny toe of his right shoe, watching the light reflect, trying to catch and balance it, as if he could hold and make it his, to ease the heavy gray of coming January, February, and March†(212). A well-educated man would not prefer to give up a dime to the person, and how about others? The rest couple in this image, are standing far away from the man, five of them, are anxiously staring at the direction that the crosstown shuttle come from(212). They feel there was nothing to do about this situation, they were totally out of this moment. Because of human nature, they refused to lower their dignities and positions to help out the homeless man even though he didn’t ask for it. Comparing with details of the homeless person exterior by Barbara L. Ascher, Anna Quindlen begins her essay in a much different way. †She said I was wasting my time talking to her; she was just passing through, although she’d been passing through for more than two weeks. To prove to me that this was true, she rummaged through a tote bag and a manila envelope and finally unfolded a sheet of typing paper and brought out her photographs†(216). Quindlen tells the story of a strange woman whom Quindlen met. The woman was carrying a picture of her old and common house all the time at the bus terminal. Quindlen recognized the lady, â€Å"She had a house, or at least once upon a time had had one. Inside were curtains, a couch, a stove, potholders. You are where you live. She was somebody†(217). From the opening of both stories between Ascher and Quindlen, Ascher focused on expressing the pitiful image of homelessness to the public, bring sympathy and help to them. However, In Quindlen’s essay â€Å"Homeless,† she brought the arguement that society’s view of home has changed in the past few generations. What could we accomplish by changing our perspective on homelessness? In this context, Quindlen noted that a home is, simply more than an exact house-a home becomes a place where we can feel connected emotionally and physically with our families. That was also the main cause why those homeless people refused to live in shelters, mostly they preferred to live on random streets. Because the homes they used to have, were more like a symbol exists in their minds, it was more than just a house and mailing address. However it was a place where it collected emotions such as love, hate, happiness, sadness, and it was a place that offered comfort and security. They used to express themselves in home but not in the shelter. Quindlen stated that our society should have treated those people as a collection of people who are not homeless, but are just missing a home. The main purpose of Barbara Lazear Ascher’s â€Å"On Compassion† encounter in couple different acts of how do people treat homeless people. She witnesses both neglect and kindness to the homeless people by the general society. She also curiously gives how does the middle-class do not understand the poor and homeless of homeless people. However, Anna Quindlen expresses her points in a different view of homelessness. Her point shows we should be able to understand of the depth of the issues of homelessness, and the most important thing for those people is a sense of heart’s place, a home. Homeless circumstances sound far away from us because we have our body and mind protected in our home. Nevertheless, the lady from Quindlen’s story who carried the picture of her house with her all the time, owned her respect and faith of a home, and shouldn’t be treated as a homeless person. There are a lot of things we can do other than just give them food. We could smile, talk, and even contribute a hug for them. Home is not just a house or mailing address. Home is the place where a family’s body and emotions are collected. It also provides the bridge that connects families. People laugh, cry, become angry or stressed, we are dealing with every kind of emotions in our daily life and finally we find out the best place to express all of these emotions are in our home.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Enlightenment And The Development Of Scientific Method Philosophy Essay

The Enlightenment And The Development Of Scientific Method Philosophy Essay After Greek Civilization happened around 500 B.C., Sophists asserted that human should be aware of themselves and nature as Protagoras declared (Feibleman, 1995). The early philosophical thinking influenced the way people understood and gained the knowledge. The Scientific Revolution, which began in 17th century and associated with some familiar names like Isaac Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Galileo Galileo (1564-1642), had a huge impact on course of science and progress of human knowledge. Most scientific philosophers in that period believed that reason was the key to a correct method, and the model of reason was mathematics. (Hankins 2003, p. 2) Before the Enlightenment, people believed the knowledge, all intellectuals and natural world were creations of Gods will, but during the pre-modern period people started to challenge those thoughts existed since 16th century. The Enlightenment was a period when the reason was regarded as the way leading to true knowledge and several new concepts emerged did had a huge impact on development of scientific method. In 2003, Hankins described that the Enlightenment was not a fixed set of beliefs but a way of thinking, a critical approach that was supposed to open the way for constructive thought and action. (Hankins 2003, p. 2)The aim of this report is trying to describe and state the importance of Enlightenment in the development of the scientific method of inquiry. The Enlightenment not only provided scientific disciplines, but also had huge impact on latter development of scientific method. Part 1 Influential Philosophers and Scientific Method Influential Philosophers There were two major early modern thoughts emerged during the period of the Enlightenment: the Empiricism associated with Francis Bacon (1561-1626), John Locke (1632-1704) etc. and the Rationalism associated with Renà © Descartes (1596-1650) etc. The Empiricism refers to an argument asserted knowledge should be gained from sense experience and it also emphasized on several aspects of scientific knowledge related to evidence. Francis Bacons writings The Advancement of Learning and Novum Organon indicated a clearly features of scientific thinking accessing to the truth should base on observation (Smith, 2003) And he also argued that the key activity of science as one of demystifying existing false and irrational interpretations of the world around us (Smith 2003, p. 48) The powerful argument explained us that empirical observation is the way we should start from to gain real knowledge and up to this point he is seem as the Father of Experimental Philosophy (Lewes 1867, p. 119) John Locke who developed Bacons idea and pursued that the method of acquiring knowledge was to be based on in terms of sense experience. But how can we separate the knowledge gained only by sense experience and the substantive knowledge? On this point Loc ke developed Bacons idea and to some extent had impact on Metaphysics by dividing propositions into analytic/synthetic distinction (Smith 2003, p. 60). The Rationalism which associated with Renà © Descartes refers to a set of argument asserting knowledge result from logical and deductive human reasoning. Descartes made marked contribution on the development of mathematics to discover the application of Algebra to Geometry. And his system indicated that consciousness being the only ground of certitude, mathematics the only method of certitude. (Lewes 1867, p.145) Scientific Method There was only one the Enlightenment in human history, but there were several steps of construction of science and its method. There is undoubted that the Enlightenment was influenced by various philosophical thoughts, so to understand the relation between philosophy and science and scientific method should be the first step as to gain main target explaining the importance of the Enlightenment on development of scientific method. 1.jpg Figure 1 Perspective on the place and role of scientific method Gauch, G. H. (2003) Scientific Method in Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Online Image] available from: Figure 1 gave a clear explanation of relation between philosophy, philosophy of science and scientific method. It is obvious to find that philosophy is grounded by common sense. Philosophy of science is the foundation of scientific method which supports scientific specialties and technology. Lewes provided a good definition of philosophy: philosophy attempts to explain the phenomena of the universe. (Lewes 1867, p. xix) The relationship between philosophy and science can be described as following statement: science is the systematization of different generalities achieved according to particulars, and philosophy is the systematization of the generalities of generalities (Losee, 1980). So we could assert that each science associated with philosophy will be the co-ordination of its highest truths.(e. g. philosophy of science) (Lewes 1867, p. xix) The scientific method would be an essential and crucial tool access to revealing the truth through application of two patterns of reasoning which they are: Deduction and Induction. As Toraldo di Francia stated in Gowers book in 1997 that a scientific method cannot adequately be discussed if it is divided from the science to which it applies. (Gower 1997, p. 6-7) The scientific method used in each specific science gradually evolved as what science did. But the period of the Enlightenment had a significant impact on the development of scientific method of inquiry. Part 2 The significance of the Enlightenment in the development of the scientific method of inquiry Rosenberg argued science did not really spring up independently elsewhere before or after its emergence among the Greeks 2500 years ago (Rosenberg 2000, p. 14). In ancient science, most thinkers never confronted with reality because they believed those findings were all self-disclosed and self sustained. Aristotle the first philosopher of science (Losee 1980, p. 6) may be truly styled the father of the Inductive Philosophy and announce with a completeness and precision not surpassed by Bacon himself. (Lewes 1867, p. 285) Also as Lewes (1867) stated that Aristotle was the first who arranged speculative questions of discriminate between objective and subjective conceptions of phenomena, and suggested the research. By holding the contrast opinion on Plato, Aristotle searched his basis in sensory perception. His inductive deductive method gave a view of scientific inquiry that started from observation to explanatory principles by using induction and went back to observation by using ded uction (Losee, 1980). C:Documents and SettingsSophieà ¦Ã‚ ¡Ã…’à ©Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢aristotel.jpg Figure 2 Aristotles inductive deductive procedure Losee, J. (1980) A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Whether we accept it or not, the ancient scientific thoughts were the foundation of the methodology in pre-modern period. Francis Bacon an empiricist in the Enlightenment and Descartes are regarded as the Fathers of Modern Philosophy as Lewes stated (Lewes, 1867). He published a well-known literary Novum Organum in 1620 asserted a new scientific method and replace previous Aristotles methodology as Losee (1980) stated. As Bacon said all merely logical explanations are valueless (Lewes 1867, p. li), up to this point experience and induction were his reliance. Nevertheless Alexandre Koyrà © and E. J. Dijksterhuis in Losees book (1980) argued that Bacon regarded as an innovator achieved nothing in science, and his critical opinion an inductive-experimental method was not incisive and original one comparing with Aristotelian method. On the contrary, John Herschel declared in Losees book (1980) that the task executed by Francis Bacon substituted in Aristotles method was stronger and bett er. C:Documents and SettingsSophieà ¦Ã‚ ¡Ã…’à ©Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢1.jpg Figure 3 Bacons Ladder of Axioms Losee, J. (1980) A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press. As Figure 3 presented, Bacons new method explained scientific procedure should stress on three steps: gradually, progressive inductions and a method of exclusion (Losee 1980, p. 64). And to some extent, Bacon agreed with Aristotles outline of scientific procedure that the progression in science should start from observations to general principles and back to observations. So Losee (1980) argued Bacon in 1620 also emphasized the inductive scientific procedure which should gradually develop from low degree of generality to inclusive ones. Furthermore, Bacon (1620) demonstrated that natural and experimental histories should be the base of the pyramid. Bacon summarized Aristotles weakness of inductive deductive method that did not critically practice collected data and work without enough observations, and provided his own opinion of stressing on practical application of scientific knowledge, nevertheless Lewes (1867) argued Bacon failed in scientific research because he denied the valu e claimed for methodology. The inversion of Francis Bacons scientific procedure was announced by Renà © Descartes. Descartes agreed with Bacons propositions of pyramid, but hold the opposite opinion to state that the work to seek general laws should begin at the top of the pyramid and go downwards as far as possible by using a deductive procedure. And he also claimed that any idea which is both clearly and distinctly present to the mind must be true. (Losee 1980, p. 71) And Lewes (1867) argued that due to Descartes argument we could say the Deductive Method was finally and completely constructed. The impact of Enlightenment on scientific method The previous methodology in the Enlightenment provided a scientific and philosophical foundation of modern science, and directly impacted Galileo, Newton in their scientific method. Just as Smith (2003) argued that the scientific method provided by Bacon and Descartes established the framework for modern scientific knowledge. Galileo who made observation of the surface of the sun and four satellites of Jupiter promoted the Method of Resolution and the Method of Composition. He agreed with Bacons inductive method and Descartes deductive. Let me explain. Just like Losee (1980) said Galileos agreement of importance of physical abstraction and idealization extended the inductive techniques. In Method of Resolution, Galileo sampled a series of fluids from observed bodies and gave an extrapolation. Losee (1980) argued that this extrapolation was only based on an ordered phenomenon, but no normal phenomena. And such idealization method makes him emphasize on imagination on the process of scientific procedure. But on the other hand, he also processed deductive method. In the Method of Composition, Galileo suggested the deduction of consequences that hypothesize the maximum range is achieved at 45 degree (Losee 1980, p. 55). Ohear (1991) described Galileos method had a positive feature in deductive systematization . Newton directly disagreed with Descartes deductive method and supported an examination of phenomena according to peoples generalization. So Newton declared that Although the arguing from Experiments and Observations by Induction is no Demonstration of general Conclusion, yet it is the best way of arguing which the Nature of Things admits of. (Newton 1952, p. 404) But on the other hand, he also applied deductive method in famous Optical experiment. So Smith described that it was creative mix of precise observation and scientific detachment from ones object derived from Bacon and the assumption of human consciousness as the source of knowledge derived from Descartes.(Smith 2003, p. 53) Lets see how Newton argued his Analysis and Synthesis Method and how it applied on scientific procedure. Newton affirmed Aristotles inductive-deductive procedure and opposed this as his Method of Analysis and Synthesis. In order to justify his thought, he agreed with Grosseteste and Roger Bacon in 13th century and Galileo and Francis Bacon in 17th century as Ohear (1991) described. His method fully applied in his famous optical experiment, and find out sunlight is consisted of different colors. He used inductively argued that rays of sunlight have refractive feature, and then he used deductive to justify his hypothesis for further consequences of this theory. Thus he was able introduce his laws of motion and gravitation. Conclusion The debates between deduction and induction never stopped, but the Enlightenment was such a crucial period that found the most important argument that any truth and scientific knowledge cannot be achieved without a correct scientific method. And the promotion of those methods was encouraged by several different philosophical scientists with various backgrounds. The reasoning is such a process by using scientific method to investigate new knowledge and revise previous knowledge. If a hypothetical reasoning bases on sense experience, the deductive reasoning is such a process may make the scientific conclusion more reliable and valid. Just like Gower said the reasoning they require is, in fact, deductive rather than inductive. No matter which method they would prefer, the significance of the Enlightenment is to establish thinking searching scientific methodology for each scientific course.

Internal Enemy :: essays research papers

The Internal Enemy A good novel’s theme is often proven by the character’s actions. A novel in which this occurs is Lord of the Flies by William Golding. In Lord of the Flies Golding uses various characters to portray that man is basically evil because of his violence and irresponsibility. One can see that Golding’s theme of the novel is that man is basically evil because of his violence when the savages steal Piggy’s glasses and when Roger kills Piggy. When the savages come to steal Piggy’s glasses they start a fight. Instead of peacefully stealing the glasses the savages lash out at the boys leaving them bruised and bloodied. The fight that the savages provoke is an example of their violence which helps prove that the theme of the novel is that man is basically evil. A second way in which Golding demonstrates this, is the incident where Roger kills Piggy. Roger seems to kill Piggy, not because he is a threat, but because Roger seems to experience a primitive desire to kill. When Roger kills Piggy he performs the task thoughtlessly and does not experience any remorse. The fact that Roger kills Piggy again shows man’s violence, proving that the theme of the novel is that man is basically evil. The above examples have helped prove Golding’s theme. Another way in which Golding portrays man as being basically evil is their irresponsibility when no one helps Ralph build huts and when the hunters let the fire go out. The boys voted that building huts was important and that shelter was a necessity, but none of them helped Ralph and Simon make the huts. This shows that they are not interested in living in a civilized society. When the boys are unwilling to build huts they show that they are irresponsible and that the theme of this novel is that man is basically evil. An additional way that the boys show their irresponsibility is when the hunters let the fire go out. Although they thought that it was important to be rescued they were reluctant to help with the fire, their only hope of rescue. They are more interested in killing than in being rescued. It is evident that Golding portrays man as being basically evil because the boys do

Monday, August 19, 2019

Heart of Darkness: Psychoanalytic Criticism Essay -- Psychoanalysis Si

Heart of Darkness: Psychoanalytic Criticism Psychoanalytic criticism originated in the work of Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who pioneered the technique of psychoanalysis. Freud developed a language that described, a model that explained, and a theory that encompassed human psychology. His theories are directly and indirectly concerned with the nature of the unconscious mind. Through his multiple case studies, Freud managed to find convincing evidence that most of our actions are motivated by psychological forces over which we have very limited control (Guerin 127). One of Freud’s most important contributions to the study of the psyche is his theory of repression: the unconscious mind is a repository of repressed desires, feelings, memories, wishes and instinctual drives; many of which have to do with sexuality and violence. These unconscious wishes, according to Freud, can find expression in dreams because dreams distort the unconscious material and make it appear different from itself and more acceptable to co nsciousness. They may also appear in other disguised forms, like in language (sometimes called the Freudian slips), in creative art and in neurotic behavior. One of the unconscious desires Freud believed that all human beings supposedly suppress is the childhood desire to displace the parent of the same sex and to take his or her place in the affections of the parent of the opposite sex. This so-called â€Å"Oedipus Complex,† which all children experience as a rite of passage to adult gender identity, lies at the core of Freud’s sexual theory (Murfin 114-5). A principal element in Freud’s theory is his assignment of the mental processes to three psychic zones: the id, the ego and the superego. The id is the passional, irrational, and unconscious part of the psyche. It is the site of the energy of the mind, energy that Freud characterized as a combination of sexual libido and other instincts, such as aggression, that propel the human organism through life, moving it to grow, develop and eventually to die. That primary process of life is completely irrational, and it cannot distinguish reasonable objects and unreasonable or socially unacceptable ones. Here comes the secondary processes of the mind, lodged in the ego and the superego. The ego, or â€Å"I,† was Freud’s term for the predominantly rational, logical, orderly and conscious part of the psych... ...ut: Librairie Du Liban Publishers SAL, 1994. Guerin, Wilfred L., et al. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Hewitt, Douglas. â€Å"Conrad: A Reassessment.† World Literature Criticism. Ed. Polly Vedder. Vol. 4. Detroit: Gale, 1992. 789-92. Hughs, Richard E. The Lively Image: Four Myths in Literature. Cambridge, MA: Winthrop Publishers, 1975. Karl, Frederick R. â€Å"A Reader’s Guide To Joseph Conrad.† World Literature Criticism. Ed. Polly Vedder. Vol. 4. Detroit: Gale, 1992. 785-9. Leavis, F. R. â€Å"From The Great Tradition.† A Practical Reader in Contemporary Literary Theory. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1996. 246-7 Mudrick, Marvin. â€Å"The Originality of Conrad.† World Literature Criticism. Ed. PollyVedder. Vol. 4. Detroit: Gale, 1992. 782-5. Murfin, Ross C. Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989. Saà ¯d, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Knopf, 1979. Wright, Elizabeth. â€Å"Psychoanalytic Criticism.† Encyclopedia Of Literature And Criticism. 1991 ed. 765-7.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown - The Puritans and Love Essay -- Young

Young Goodman Brown:   The Puritans and Love  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hawthorne’s   â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, exposes the puritan view of love and relationships. In theory, these two visions are diametrically opposed. One exalts love as a physical manifestation between two individuals (although it also claims to represent higher ideals), the other sees it as a spiritual need, one best manifested by attachment to God. In fact, the puritans did not see love as a good thing, but rather as an evil, a grim necessity, that is, they saw physical love (between a man and a woman, or sexuality and all it carries with it) as such. The emotional turmoil affecting Goodman Brown clearly expresses this.   Ã‚  Ã‚  The problem we find in this story, and in puritanism, is that it presents contrasting views of love. Attachment to earthly possessions, to other people in fact, is discouraged, because everything physical leads to temptation and damnation, and ultimately hell, while the road to salvation of the individual wanders through a spiritual discipline, rigour, austerity. A man should not love his wife more than he loves God; in fact, it is recommended that he not derive pleasure from his wife, but rather seek suffering, in order to redeem himself from his earthly condition, his impure state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  This conception of love can be traced back to the first chapters of the Bible, Genesis. Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden, eat the forbidden fruit and are forever outcast from paradise, forced to suffer. The puritans argued that, if God wishes us to suffer, who are we to go against his wishes. We are sinners, because of the Original Sin, and it was Eve who gav..., it kept the women in a box, it basically prevented uprising by instilling divine fear. Eventually, these ideas evolved, but we still witness many of the after effects of puritanism in today's world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Again, however, we are faced with a story, this time written after the fact, that sheds a negative light on an ideology. It seems Nathaniel Hawthorne did not want to endorse puritanism, but denounce it, denounce the abuse and contradiction it implied. Once more, we find a work that denigrates an established understanding of love. First, there was opposition to the courtly love tradition, now, we find opposition to the puritan love ideology. So far, we have only been willing to define love by what it wasn't, what we felt was a wrong way of doing things.   Ã‚  Ã‚  If a more definitive answer is to be found, it must be found elsewhere.   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Healthy Lifestyles Essay

Health lifestyles, in turn, are ways of living that promote good health and longer life expectancy as stated in the assignment. Health lifestyles that promote good health and longer life expectancy would be one where the person has contact with doctors and takes care of themselves completely. While going to the doctors and taking care of oneself is extremely important so is taking care of ourselves outside of the health care system. We have to eat a proper diet and exercise. Most importantly the person has to be able to stick with it and drink water to make sure that they are hydrated and do not get sick from exercising. The person also needs to get adequate amounts of rest. I think that one theory that would support this point of view would be the theory of the â€Å"Looking- Glass Self† (Cockerham, 2012). Cooley ´s concept of the looking glass self-states that each person grows when they interact with other people (Cockerham, 2012). How we look at ourselves comes from how other people perceive us. Actually, how we see ourselves does not come from who we really are, but rather from how we believe others see us. The reason I say that is because most people see themselves how others see them. Or what they think others see them as. In my opinion that is what encourages people to start living and eating the right things. Exercising because of their self-image and what they think that others think about them. The second theory would have to be the theory of health lifestyles. I am unsure if this is an actual theory or not. Cockerham’s theory basically states that individuals have the right to interpret their situation, as well as make choices. This is true, people do make their own decisions, however as he also pointed out that all social action takes place in contexts that imply both constraints and opportunities. By being able to choose to exercise, eat right and to see the doctor it is fully in that persons hand to live a healthy lifestyle. I would say reduce the amount of stress that you encounter especially if you know what causes you stress. Also exercise daily and eat healthy. The person should also get plenty of rest since sleeping too much or too little can worsen anyone’s mood. It is alway s a good idea to pace yourself when you are exercising though. You do not want to end up hurting yourself if you push yourself too hard in the beginning when you are just starting to exercise. The more you exercise the more your body will get used to it and you can exercise more and boost your endurance and stay healthy. I think there are eight (8) components to the model. They  would be 1.) Class circumstances/ age/ gender/ race and or ethnicity collectives living conditions 2.) Socialization Experience 3.) Life Choices, 4.) Life Chances (both 3 and 4 interplay) 5.) Dispositions to Act 6.) Practices, 7.) Alochol use, smoking, diet, exercise, checkups, seatbelts etc. 8.) Health Lifestyles (reproduction). I think that it is very effective even today. It still applies. The demographics and life choices makes sense when trying to get someone to be healthy. They are still as valid and relate to present day situations as it did when the model in the study of health behavior and healthy lifestyle was first done. References Cockerham, W. (n.d.). Medical Sociology (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Evaluating a protocal budget Essay

â€Å"One of the overall primary challenges organizations conducting clinical research is lack of information about the overall clinical research enterprise† says CITATION KCl96 l 1033 (K Claxton, 1996)Matthew in a recent issue of medical research laws and policy report. Hence developing a quality budget proposal outline gives a better scrutiny and analysis of the funds a clinical trial conduct, in order to acquire better financial outcomes and pass out successful audits, there is needed to be more vigilant and careful in the financial management. â€Å"Establishing guidelines to streamline and aid the management of a clinical trial program will make managing less challenging† as CITATION kel p 1999 y l 1033 (Willenberg, p. 1999). This is being emphasized in order to meet the allocated budget for a given organization. Many hospitals and academic centers lack the trained personnel for them to review the study proposals and funds which consequently lead to incorre ct billing for research. CITATION MBa04 l 1033 (M Barnes, 2004) â€Å"In order to evaluate the protocol requirement, you need to determine exactly what is going to be done as part of the protocol. Once that is completed, you should be able to determine what resources the site will need in order to implement the protocol† Preparation for a budget clinical trial is done maybe when you want to obtain funds from a granter for your research or you have been paid to conduct a certain protocol by a pharmaceutical such a case you develop a budget for your research, putting into considerations things like: laboratory tests, hospital admissions, patient visits, surgical procedures and fees for the above services. These are considered as the resource requirements for you to develop a comprehensive budget. Below is a template example for a budget proposal outline I developed for a certain request for application. (RFA) Below is our application budgetCITATION kel p 2001 y l 1033 (Willenberg, p. 2001) RFA Title: Host- directed TB Therapy new approaches (UH2/UH3) RFA Number: RFA-A1-14-058 Purpose of the RFA: The main purpose for filling this request of application is to curb the adverse effects of TB brought about by Negligence and lack of follow up to these victims. This research is centered to direct TB therapies to the host individuals where each victim is screened and followed up for their healing process ensuring they take the right medication and avoid chances of infecting others. Reason for selecting this RFA – I chose this particular RFA following the upcoming of new technologies and new machines especially the gene expert machine, which processes sputum, analysis it and determines the multidrug resistance individuals, enabling their follow up. Budget (Time) Period: This clinical trial is programmed to take 2 years. Budget Categories Budget Category Description Cost $ Subtotal $ Personnel Principal investigator Graduate research assistant (lab scientist) Undergraduate research assistant (Nurse) Data staff These relates to costs incurred by the staff involved in the research process. Different types of personnel are paid according to their experience and expertise. Rates of these personnel are charged either according to rate per study visit, hourly rate or full time. The budget also included costs for new recruitment of personnel and training. CITATION MBa04 l 1033 (M Barnes, 2004)78,200 24,000 12,000 8,000 122,200 Services Screening Administrative work Costs incurred in offering services to the subject individual through evaluation, screening and costs for transport of specimen, batching and storage. 1100 270 1370 Facilities Laboratory Clinical These are the cost needed to come up with facilities where the subject individuals are taken their specimen in this case sputum for analysis and how often they visit the clinics for checkup. These facilities are needed to offer these services. 30,000 20,000 50,000 Data capturing -report forms -questionnaires -Computers -printers Collected on case report forms and questionnaires thus need to be included in the budget. Costs also incurred in obtaining and developing these data. Computers, photocopiers and printers also included in the budget. Travel Domestic trips Domestic trips Airfare This accounts for cost of all the trips made for training and meetings associated with the clinical trial, visiting other sites, scientific presentations and going to the research areas. 6400 2200 4000 12600 Equipment and suppliers -gene expert machine Cost incurred for purchasing all the related equipment needed and paying the suppliers who bring the equipment and machines to do the case study (gene expert machine for sputum processing and analysis.) CITATION KCl96 l 1033 (K Claxton, 1996)20,000 20,000 Total Expenses 206,170 Indirect Costs The research incurred extra expenses on utilities (phone and internet), cleaning and rent at an overhead rate of 8%. CITATION Fra l 1033 (Stromberg)400 400 TOTAL REQUEST 206,570 References K Claxton, J. P. (1996). Health Economics.M Barnes, J. K. (2004). Journal of health law.Ognibene, G. a. (n.d.). Evaluating a protocal budget.Stromberg, F. (n.d.). Instruments for clinical health care research. 2004. W.Staman, m. (n.d.). medical research laws and policy report. Willenberg, k. M. (n.d.). managing clinical trials-frustrations. Health economics†, (1996) – Wiley Online Library by K Claxton, J Posnnett.Look AHEAD research Group-controlled clinical trials†, (2003†- Elsevier. Instruments for clinical health-care research† by M Frank-Stromberg, SJ Olsen (2004) Practical clinical trials: increasing the value of clinical research for decision making in clinical and health policy† by SR Tunis, DB Stryer, CM Clancy-jama (2003) Source document

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Psychology Prediction Essay

According to one of my favorite philosophers, Yogi Berra, Its hard to predict, especially the future†. He’s right but it doesn’t stop many people from trying. In fact predicting the future is essential to many aspects of our lives – in business, and beyond. Many professionals have the need to accurately predict outcomes of the future to be successful in their jobs. And many have occupations where predicting the future actually is their job, one way or another. As an analyst at Gartner, I am of course a good example of this. Some of this is common sense. Some is controversial. Some goes completely against what most think and against what people are taught even at organizations who train people to do predictive type jobs. But it works for me. Here are my ten guiding principles for accurate prediction: 1.Care about being right. This sounds obvious but circumstances and other requirements often get in the way. Professionals whose job involves making predictions face pressures to have an opinion, no matter what, and to generate visibility. This can lead to quickly formed opinions and overstating and over hyping things. While these things may in fact need to be part of a strategy, they do not have to be the primary goal. Tempering such behavior by placing the goal of being right at a higher priority is one of the real keys to accurate prediction. You can’t be afraid to be wrong, but you can’t place being right at lower priority and expect to be good at predicting. 2.Be an â€Å"innumerate†. Be extremely skeptical of any numbers. Many believe that numbers don’t lie. They don’t of course, but people do. And they state the numbers that they want to state to make their case. And they get things confused. Numbers are more useful in looking back at history than in predicting (looking back at history is helpful and numbers can help). Be especially wary of survey data. Often the questions are poorly formed and the respondents not necessarily knowledgeable. There is no substitute for talking directly to people to make sure that you understand context and that they understand the question. And follow-up is possible. 3.Ask yourself â€Å"Why are they telling me this?† Understand the motivations of sources of information. Everyone you meet has some type of agenda. Sometimes it is truly to educate you, usually not. It is critical to understand what the source of information wants you to think to put the information into context. 4.Ask yourself â€Å"What would I do†? Put yourself in the shoes of the CEO or key decision maker of the entity if possible. This is a key tool to predicting how companies and organizations will behave. If the prediction is about that company, this is the major key. If it is more general, putting yourself in the shoes of multiples and playing out scenarios is helpful. 5.Recognize that most of the time, you will know less than your sources. The world is full of specialists. Depending on circumstance, you may know as much as your sources but there is almost always someone who is more of an expert than you. So you need to develop strategies for assessing the credibility and honesty of a source. A useful tactic is to lead a discussion towards an area in which you do know a lot and test the source’s honesty and credibility. This can help determine what weight to give the source 6.Don’t jump to conclusions. Whenever possible take your time. When pushed for an opinion, it is best to say â€Å"if I had to have an opinion I would lean towards x†, but not highlight these types of things as â€Å"predictions†. 7.Find â€Å"bubbles†, conventional thinking and poke at assumptions. Try to understand why most people have a certain belief and figure out what assumptions they have. Look for misunderstandings, confusion, motivations and social trends. 8.Get information you’re not supposed to have. Basic networking is essential to knowing your subject and to getting information you’re not supposed to have (Obviously those subject to â€Å"insider trading† types of issues need to tread carefully here). Listen for slip ups. Put the pieces together. Fill in the holes. Speculate. 9.â€Å"You’re only paranoid if you’re wrong†. Explore conspiracy theories. While they usually won’t be the prediction, the exercise of examining possible conspiracy theories often is fruitful. Remember At the very least there is bound to be some aspect of the theory that has some truth to it and may point the way towards a good prediction. However, it is far more likely that stupidity or laziness, rather than conspiracy, is the cause. 10.Constantly test, validate and refine. Every chance you get to talk to a person whose opinion you respect, test new theories. Every chance you talk to a source of information, test your theories and gauge their reactions. Be open to tweaks.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

2 Random Speeches Bob Marley and Beauty (Ideas)

Speech September 27, 2012 Bob Marley the Rastafarian I. Nesta Robert Bob Marley was born February of 1945. Bob Marley was born in Jamaica. You might know him as a singer, song writer, a rhythm guitarist, and lead singer of the Wailer’s. He stayed with the group through most of his life. Bob is the go to guy for spreading Jamaican music and the Rastafarian movement. Some of his most popular songs are: I Shot the Sheriff, No Women No Cry and Jamming to name a few, I listen to some of his music, which for me is inspirational. Gives me something to think about, what was going on in his mind mentally and the thoughts about war, peace and love.II. One of my favorite quotes from Bob is â€Å"I don’t have prejudice against white people because then I would have prejudice against myself. My father is white my mother is black. I’m not on the black men side or the white men, I’m God’s side. Bob Marley was raised Catholic, but became a devoted Rastafarian and started growing dreads, which is very important to them, it’s like the anatine tuning meaning you’re into the universe. Rastas are also vegetarian. Bob was a jiglo with eleven kids, some you might know like Damien Marley and Ziggy Marley. III.Rastafarians also were avid pot heads which is a Rastafarian belief were ganja or that kush is a holy sacrament. The difference between Rastas and non Rastas are that they smoke for religious and medicinal purposes. Another quote I like is â€Å"why do government people want the herb to be illegal, why something that makes people so happy, so relax so illegal? Some people smoke weed because you rebel makes you question what is and what isn’t. Exercise your mind frees your mind in a society that tries to involve it’s self in everyday life telling you what is right and wrong! † IV.In July 1977 Bob found out that out that he had cancer all throughout his body, he even had spots his brain the size of quarters that the doctor didn’t understand how he last so long without any medication or medicine assistance. He was buried near his birth place; his last words were to his son â€Å"mommy can’t buy life†! I know that for me inner beauty supposed to shine through to reveal your outer beauty; and it’s taken me awhile for me to truly understand why men and women choose physical beauty over inner beauty. Physical beauty and inner beauty can be similar and dissimilar.Inner beauty are the actions we take, whether it’s giving up a smile to a stranger, eating the right foods, wearing clothes that shows our physique, or using the right hair tools: such as curling irons, flat iron, and gel. These are things we do to take care of ourselves, and they add up to make us the unique person that we and you are! Physical and inner beauty can be similar or dissimilar: they both attract people. People in general are attracted to both physical and inner beauty. I may be drawn to M orris Chestnut’s appearance; while my big sister will love his personality. Physical and inner beauty are both equally important though.Let’s take for example: Beyonce, who many young girls and women admire for her unique sense of style (myself included). I’ve never met her in person, but it seems to me that she has this balance of inner and outer beauty. As the face of L'Oreal, a brand known for their quality cosmetics: hair and nail colors; we have seen Beyonce’s alter ego Sasha Fierce! She’s a bad Bitch! She also appears to be very comfortable in her own skin either portraying Etta James in Cadillac Records or Deena Jones in Dream Girls. When I watch Beyonce being interviewed, she seems very genuine, candid, and confident when sharing bits and pieces about her life.I sense that she pay close attention to details: hair, make-up, perfume and the clothes she wears. Finding balance between inner and outer beauty doesn’t just happen overnight. It’ll take some inner soul searching and discovering of our own uniqueness: hat beauty could be in the form of how we dress or the way we shine! Most importantly it’s the way we feel about ourselves, and having the awareness that beauty consists of both the inner and outer, we are the first step to becoming more authentic and the real person that we were meant to be, Beautiful!

Modern American Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Modern American Culture - Essay Example According to the studies of Cunningham (2005, Pg 110) as the service form becomes an inner part of culture, so culture and society becomes obtainable for use in the awareness of co-modification as special cultural substances, as a foundation of commercial influences, and as representational legitimation for the complete structure. Culture and the service form turn out to be dialectically entwined. Americans live in an over-commodified world, with requirements that are created in the well being of the marketplace and that can be met only in the course of the advertisement or marketing. Calthorpe (1994, Pg 3-4) explains the New Modernism emerged in America as a potential remedy for decades of inadequately planned sub urbanization. The period in which this sub urbanization actually began raises debate. Many researchers cite the latter half of the nineteenth century as the advent of suburbia, when development in major metropolitan areas began to move into circles outside the city limits. Some researchers, on the other hand, claims that although the subordinate urbanization of the United States began in the 1920s, it was not until the postwar era that the process gave way the collusion of public policy and private practice'. And up till now Fjellman (1992, ... reveals that, as the subsequent 50 years would illustrate, the promises of the American borders brought their individual distribution of special troubles. Long travels, traffic squeeze, effluence, not careful city planning, disparaging ignorance for built heritage, environmental unawareness, lack of sufficient leisure space, and mind-numbing community and confidential architecture all donated to the all-purpose depression and sarcasm of uptown life in the delayed twentieth century. In numerous ways, postwar suburbanites fundamentally switched one set of troubles for another. (Kunstler, Pg 36) Whereas they may have runaway the rising 'black fright' of the internal city, these perpetrators in the course, shaped for their grandchildren a heritage of predictability, boredom, civilizing homogeneity, and domestic/personal dysfunctionality. Disney, City Of Celebration And Modern American Culture Katz (1994, Pg 13-14) explains what does culture have to do with Walt Disney World The 'Disney City Of Celebration's environment of the New Modernism faces yet again as one of the mainly widespread criticisms of neo traditional values. Criticism that New Modernist societies look 'false' or seem too 'intentionally wistful' usually outside, though many of these same opponents cannot help but esteem the wealthy colors, pleasant views, and sparkling streets such towns present. Places like Disneyland's Main Street, USA motivates many of the same manners one understands in a New Modernist society. 'Americans love Disney City since the daily places where they survive and go about their business are so miserable that Disney City seems superb in contrast'. Without a hesitation, the New Modernism and Disney's 'architecture of reassurance' contribute to a number of general objectives: Both

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Behavioral Finance In Corporate Governance Independent Directors And Essay

Behavioral Finance In Corporate Governance Independent Directors And Non-Executive Chairs, And The Importance Of The Devils Advocate - Essay Example Introduction †¢ many employees sacrifice their careers and reputation because of loyalty to their CEO †¢ Loyalty is misused through misplaced loyalty in certain organizations. Milgram experiment †¢ Milgram experiment test innate loyalty through psychology experiment. †¢ psychological attributes of the respondents was testing in mock experiment †¢ subjects were made to electrocute stranger contrary to their own beliefs Leadership and corporate governance †¢ Modern liberal corporate governance calls for different professionals in leadership restrained by laws and rules. †¢ The leaders are given different authorities to run organizations. †¢ The CEO have are appointed by the Board of the organization †¢ The boards remain loyal even to CEOs that are misguided. †¢ Many boards detest disagreeing with CEO they feel that would be perceived as disloyalty. Dissenting peers and conflicting authorities †¢ The Milgram experiment explains how people dissent peers and conflict authority. †¢ Cases of dissenting peers voice their concerns; the subjects reduce their loyalty levels to the authority.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Should Smoking be Prohibited on Campus Speech or Presentation

Should Smoking be Prohibited on Campus - Speech or Presentation Example The debate of whether or not to ban smoking on campus has been there for quite a while, particularly since the start of the 21st century. Seeing more and more college campuses putting bans on smoking presently creates a huge debate platform for both defenders and proponents. While some think that such campus smoking bans mostly remain effective on certain levels in discouraging the newly independent college students to continue smoking, critics claim that college smoking bans are a product of pure authoritative rule under which no individual freedom is allowed. According to latest report, all campuses of University of California will be banning smoking as a result of which every campus would become smoke-free over the course of two years as the UC President compelled the chancellors of all the campuses nationwide to begin implementing smoke-free policies (Rojas, 2012). Discussion of causes: Defenders of campus smoking bans claim that smoking practices on campus seriously interfere wi th a healthy educational atmosphere and if such bans are taken seriously by more and more management authorities and strictly implemented, vivid changes can be seen happening in favor of mental and physical wellbeing of the students. ... s, to break free from the spell of conservative norms they are taught by their parents at homes which is why they fall for heaving smoking while absolutely disregarding the sanctity of their educational institution. Because continuing smoking habit on campus can potentially fuel a student’s mind to develop vast distance between him/herself and abiding by the educational requirements, so smoking should be absolutely banned on campus according to defenders of ban imposition. Campus smoking bans are not very old because it was not before 2000 that smoking-free campuses began surfacing in America. From this, it can be ascertained that smoking-free colleges are essentially a consequence of an increase in the health awareness and consciousness in the educated society which has occurred in the 21st century. The smoke-free spree was fuelled by the fact that no one could pass in or out of a door on any campus without going through a corridor fraught with smoke (Patterson, cited in Stei nberg, 2011). Students began smoking on campus in such a staggering number that it raised huge concern for the education, health and mental wellbeing of a student which is why smoking bans are getting more and more common with every passing day. Colleges that have imposed the ban on smoking should continue with the ban because it is one of the most important health concerns. Smoking is potentially dangerous for health as it is known to be a cause of several diseases that include but are not limited to oral cancer, lungs cancer and heart attack. Smoking in colleges should be prohibited also because smoking happens to be the first step in the way towards drug addiction for a lot of students. Being young and immature, students start exploring the world of narcotics and drugs starting from smoking

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Organizations - Essay Example In First Aid, a person is taught how to respond to common first aid emergencies, such as burns, head, back as well as neck injuries and cuts, while, in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED), a person is taught how to respond to cardiac and breathing emergencies in grown-ups, as well as how to make use of automated external defibrillators (AED). Blood borne pathogens training is designed for first responders, lifeguards, health care professionals and other employees who are at risk for on-the-job exposure to body and blood fluids which can lead to infection. This course assists in meeting the training requirements for the OSHA blood borne pathogens standard. This course educates on how to assist avoid exposure incidents through personal hygiene and proper cleaning, protective equipment, work practice and disinfecting of equipment. The organization’s Nurse Assistant Training Program equips an individual with the knowledge as well as the experience required to grow to be a qualified Nurse Assistant. The organization has prepared people for employment in the field of nursing for over a hundred years. The program stresses on the importance of learning excellent communications skills as well as the Art of Care giving to offer compassionate care towards people within the health care system. The students, through lecture, role-playing, DVDs, and laboratory practice, are able to learn procedural skills for instance bathing, vital signs, dressing and positioning (American Red Cross, 2). The National Headquarters of the organization is located at 430 17th Street, Washington DC. The building accommodates art and artifacts made by famous artists obtained by the American Red Cross from the time when it was formally initiated, in 1881. Positioned the front position of this collection are Tiffany

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Project Management - Communication Plan Assignment

Project Management - Communication Plan - Assignment Example The estimated price for the infrastructure needed for the ten floor building is highly fluctuating, thus we cannot put a solid price tag. As the project manager, I have seen it necessary to have the Complete Streets framework inclusive. This will set an idea that can be backed by the whole community where the building will be located. This sets a structure that can create support for ABC Tech employees and all who want safe, livable urban environments (Barnlund, 2008). Value message: The building will function effectively for all involved users – ABC Technology, Inc. technical employees, their families and clients. However, some roadways throughout the surrounding will have to be worked on to ensure that they are safe. The Ask: Coming up with a clear design and implementation procedures in place so as to ensure that all the building procedure and the necessary tools, equipments and personnel are at a position of offering quality service. Vision message: Once I manage to do this as the project manager, the ABC Technology, Inc. building will be one of its kind, as it would be both a business and residential hub offering comfort and luxury for both the families of the technical employees and the ABC Technology, Inc. clients they will be